
Last Modified: 1/2/2021

Sets the declaration of a user defined routine.


RoutineType System Identifier Yes Tells the compiler what kind of routine you're creating.
RoutineName Text Yes The name of your routine.
ParameterList Any No Define any parameters that will be used in the routine.
Type System Identifier No This is only for non-asm functions. If omitted, the compiler will assign a data type based upon the routines suffix.

Routine types

Function Functions perform actions that return a value.
Sub Subroutines perform actions that don't return a value.
Asm Function Similar to a regular Function, this type uses M68K assembly as the source code and uses registers instead of variables for parameters.
Asm Sub Similar to a regular Sub, this type uses M68K assembly as the source code and uses registers instead of variables for parameters.


Syntax: Declare <RoutineType> <RoutineName> ([<ParameterList>]) [As <Type>]
   MySub 10, 10
   Print MyFunc(12,12)
    Print MyASMFunc(5,1)
    ' Example Sub
Declare Sub MySub(x As Integer, y As Integer)
    Print x * y
End Sub
    ' Example Function
Declare Function MyFunc(x As Integer, y As Integer) As Integer
    Return x * y
End Function
    ' ASM Example Function
Declare Asm Function MyASMFunc(d0.l, d1 As Byte)
    add.l d1, d0
End Function


When defining the ParameterList, you would define the variables much like you would in a Dim or Global command.

If you're defining an asm routine, the ParemeterList is assembly registers. You can use d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, and d7 for data registers, and a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7 for address registers. You will need to specify the data type for the registers:

Register types

As Byte Let's the compiler know the register is expected to hold Byte sized data.
As Integer Let's the compiler know the register is expected to hold Integer (2 bytes) sized data.
As Long Let's the compiler know the register is expected to hold Long (4 bytes) sized data.
As String Let's the compiler know the register is expected to hold String sized data. This is only valid for address registers.

Data registers can be shorted with .{X}, where {X} = b for Byte, w for Word (Integer), and .l for Long.